Monday, March 22, 2010


The proposal from my Midterm project is a dinning room setting, with meat, vegetables, fruit, drink, and even some decorations. I mainly wanted to try my hand at the 3D bump map, and practice my hypershading.

Ok so here is my Midterm Project. During our class, 2/9/10, where we had been shown how to make a fruit, I created an apple...

In the same class I then went and colored it...
I began to think of what else I could make, out of the fruit family, and decided to try out a flower...
From there I decided that I would make a dinning room setting for my midterm project...With the silverware set up and the floor and walls ready, I felt like I had a pretty good start, and in honor of the apple that started the project, I placed it in the center of wall, in a little nook...
Though I quickly realized I didn't like that, and so after adding steak, green beans, and wine into the picture, I placed the flower into the center...
I quickly realized I wanted a wine bottle in the picture and began work on that...

After the bottle was finished I expanded the floor and walls in order to give it room. I also grew the flower out, creating two more and giving it more of a noticeable position. From there I started the animation of changing the spot lights color and giving them positions to move to and from...
Finally came time to add in the camera...
And sit back and watch....

All of my knowledge for this project came from class or just trying things out*

In my opinion the project came out pretty well. I was disappointed that I could not find out how to make the wine bottle poor wine into the cup, as was one of my original idea's. As well I was disappointed on how I could not figure out how to put the name of the bottle of wine onto its cover, or fold over the top of it in order to make it look more like a wine bottle neck. I do however believe that the food and flowers came out well, and that the lights add a fun little dance to the scene. That's my midterm project in a nutshell.

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